Valorant Agent & Weapon Stats

Spike Stats offers detailed performance tracking for both agents and weapons, helping you understand your strengths, optimize your playstyle, and improve over time. All stats are segmented by game mode and can be easily sorted, filtered, and shared.

Agent Stats

Spike Stats tracks your match performance across all agents you’ve played — broken down by game mode for clarity and depth.

Game Mode Segmentation

Agent stats are grouped by game modes. Within each tab, you’ll see the agents you’ve played in that mode.

Key Metrics per Agent

For each agent, you’ll see:

Tapping on an agent opens a detailed view, including:

Sorting & Filtering Options

You can sort your agent list by:

You can also filter agents by their roles, such as:

Shareable Agent Stats

Generate a custom screenshot of your sorted agent stats — perfect for sharing your performance with friends or on social media.

Agent Stats screen displaying KDA and win rate per agent Agent Stats screen displaying sorting options

Weapon Stats

Track your effectiveness with every weapon you’ve used across different game modes.

Game Mode Segmentation

Just like Agent Stats, weapon stats are divided by game modes. Within each tab, you’ll see the weapons you’ve used in that mode.

Key Metrics per Weapon

For each weapon, you can view:

Tapping on a weapon reveals a detailed shot breakdown:

Sorting & Filtering Options

Sort your weapons list by:

Filter weapons by their type, such as:

Shareable Weapon Stats

Create a custom stats screenshot for your weapon performance to share your top picks and accuracy highlights.

Weapon Stats page displaying total kills, kills/round and damage/round Weapon sorting options by kills, damage, or accuracy stats

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